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// Ready for the Big Stage

Let's conquer the app market together and set new standards - we're ready when you are!

More than 3,000 apps are published worldwide in app stores each day. Right from the concept, the question should naturally arise as to how your app intends to stand out. Once the app is fully developed, a plan must be devised for how users can reliably find your app. We support you with four strategies: ASO (App Store Optimization), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media, and Ads.

If an app is to be published in the stores, it needs a store entry. This can be optimized for the app store search so that interested users can find your app in the store. With an SEO-optimized website, your app can also be found through Google search. Through social media or online ads, you can also reach users with your product who are (not yet) specifically looking for it.